
This page is all about lego creations and sets I have made and built. All of the sets that I have on this page have a link that you can press to buy the product.

This is my favorite set to date: the Lego Roller Coaster

I have always wanted to build a Lego Roller Coaster. I think it stems back to watching the video below:

I watched this video goodness knows now many years ago. Ever since, I have tried to build roller coasters. Then, one time in 2016 or 2017, my cousin who is really good at Legos, and who loves them, and I built a successful roller coaster with railroad tracks. It was amazing! Sadly, it was destroyed, and even more unfortunately, no photos that I know of were collected. Since then, I have built more roller coasters with the same parts and style, until in summer 2018, Lego released their roller coaster. Starting from then, I saved up all summer to buy it. I eventually got it, and had great fun building the 4,124 piece set. Now, it is falling into disrepair, and I have grand plans to scrap it and build another coaster.