I want to thank some people for their contribution to the making of this site.
First and foremost I would like to thank Neocities again for hosting my website! create your own site with neocities here!
I want to thank khanacademy for their tutorials and their great teaching programs, I learned a lot from them and am still learning a lot from them.
I'd like to thank a friend of mine who showed me Neocities and some coding elements to make this site great. You can find his site here.
Thanks to my Dad for showing me a lot of coding elements and giving me other tps and suggestions!
Thanks to another friend of mine who gave me suggestions and other feedback to make this site wonderful. She created a site recently, which you can find here. She recently created an even newer site, another wonderful one you an find here.
Thanks to my other friends and family for their support and encouragement of this site! My sister recently created a website with neocities, a wonderful site which you can find here. She even more recently created another site, a fantastic website that can be found here!